Silvia Correia
Contemporary History Professor
Ph.D. in Contemporary History (New University of Lisbon, 2011)

Sílvia Correia

Lines of research

Thematic Clusters

History and violence: memory, trauma and politics of past
History of conflicts, of dictatorial regimes and authoritarisms

Advising subjects

Memory Cultural Studies: experience, mediation and History
Theories of State Violence
War Memory and Culture (First World War e African Independence Wars)
European and Portuguese Contemporary History

Ongoing Research

“Representation and Limit: Memories of the Portuguese Experience in First World War Europe and Africa”

Selected Publications

CORREIA, Sílvia; MORELI, Alexandre (org). Tempos e espaços de violência: a Primeira Guerra Mundial, a desconstrução dos limites e o início de uma era. Rio de Janeiro: Autografia/PPGHIS, 2019.

CORREIA, Sílvia. (In)complete Citizens: First World War Portuguese Disabled Soldiers and the Construction of Group Identity. In: Matos, P., Da Silva, H., & Sardica, J. (Org.). War Hecatomb International Effects on Public Health, Demography and Mentalities in the 20th Century. Bern: Peter Lang, 2019, p. 160-178. 

CORREIA, Sílvia. The mutilated face of World War I in Portugal. E-Journal of Portuguese History, v. 15, p. 35-54, 2017.

CORREIA, Sílvia. Celebrating victory on a day of defeat: commemorating the First World War in Portugal, 1918-1933. European Review of History, v. 24, p. 108-130, 2016.

CORREIA, S. Entre Heróis e Mortos Políticas da memória da I Guerra Mundial em Portugal (1918-1933). 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: 7 Letras: Faperj, 2015.

Other Info

Brown University and NOVA University of Lisbon (2012-2013)
Nova University of Lisbon (2018-2019)

Institute of Contemporary History, NOVA University of Lisbon (Associated Researcher)
Memory Studies Association (Member)
International Society for First World War Studies (Member).

More information here:

Also known as: Correia, Sílvia Adriana Barbosa


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