Largo de São Francisco 1
sala 205 – Centro
Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Brasil
CEP: 20051-070
Horário de Atendimento
Quarta-feira, 10:00 – 14:00
Quinta-feira, 10:00 – 14:00
Prof. Dr. Mario Peters (Professor Visitante)
Este curso é sobre a história da mobilidade nas Américas desde cerca 1850 até os dias atuais. Em princípio serão tratados os casos do Brasil, Estados Unidos, México e Canada. Más podem ser incorporados outros após discussão entre alunos e professor. Numa primeira parte vamos discutir a historiografia, conceitos teóricos e abordagens metodológicas. Com base nisso, o curso vai examinar os seguintes tópicos: A Revolução de Transportes na América do Norte; As ferrovias: aspectos socioculturais e ecológicos; Mobilidade, Utopia e Visões do Futuro; O Início do Automobilismo: Individualismo, Emancipação, e Modernização (Brasil e EUA, 1900-1930); Conflitos e Violência no Trânsito Urbano no Início do Século XX; Mobilidade e Pan-Americanismo; Henry Ford e o Fordismo nos EUA e na América Latina; Mobilidade e Urbanização; Estradas,
Nationbuilding, e Construção de Identidades (EUA, México e Brasil, c. 1920-1960); Mobilidade(s) e Turismo nas Américas; A Indústria Automobilística na América Latina desde os anos 1950; Mobilidade e Gênero nos EUA: Propaganda, Sexismo e Emancipação; O Automóvel e o Meio Ambiente; A Preponderância do Automóvel, Conflitos Sociais e Mobilidades Alternativas no Início do Século XXI.
Bibliografia (inclui a bibliografia obrigatória e sugestões complementarias):
BARROW, Heather B.: Henry Ford’s Plan for the American Suburb: Dearborn and Detroit. DeKalb/Illinois 2015, pp. 46-91.
BENSON, Erik: “Flying Down to Rio: American Commercial Aviation, the Good Neighbor Policy, and World War II, 1939-1945.” In: Essays in Economic and Business History 19 (2001), pp. 61-73.
BESS, Michael K.: “On the Course of “Progress”: A Review of Literature on Road Building in Latin America”. In: Mobility in History 8 (2017), pp. 35-41.
BESS, Michael K.: “Revolutionary Paths: Motor Roads, Economic Development, and National Sovereignty in 1920s and 1930s Mexico.” In: Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 32/1 (2016), pp. 56-82.
BOOTH, Rodrigo: “Turismo, Panamericanismo e Ingenieria Civil: La Construcción del Caminos Escénio entre Vina del Mar y Concón, 1917-1931.” In: História 2/47 (2014), pp. 277-312.
COSTA, Renato da Gama-Rosa: Entre “Avenida” e “Rodovia”: A História da Avenida Brasil (1906-1954) (Tese de Doutorado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo). Rio de Janeiro 2006.
CRUIKSHANK, Ken: “Forest, Stream and…Snowstorms? Seasonality, Nature, and Mobility on the Intercolonial Railway, 1876-1914.” In: Coates, Colin M.; Young, Jay; Bradley, Ben (eds.): Moving Natures: Mobility and the Environment in Canadian History. Calgary 2016, pp. 55-78.
DIVALL, Colin: “Transport History, the Usable Past, and the Future of Mobility.” In: Margaret Grieco; John Urry (eds.): Mobilities: New Perspectives on Transport and Society. Farnham 2011, pp. 305-319.
FICEK, Rosa Elena: “Imperial Routes, National Networks and Regional Projects in the Pan- American Highway, 1884-1977”. In: The Journal of Transport History 37/2 (2016), pp. 129- 154.
FIEGE, Mark: The Republic of Nature. An Environmental History of the United States. Seattle/London 2012, pp. 228-270.
FREEMAN, J. Brian: “Los Hijos de Ford. Mexico in the Automobile Age, 1900-1930.” In: Tinajero, Araceli; Freeman, J. Brian (eds.): Technology and Culture in Twentieth Century Mexico. Tuscaloosa 2013, pp. 214-232.
GIUCCI, Guillermo: The Cultural Life of the Automobile: Roads to Modernity. Austin 2012. (disponível em português)
GRANDIN, Greg: Fordlândia: The Rise and Fall of Henry Ford’s Forgotten Jungle City. London 2010. (disponível em português)
LADD, Brian: Autophobia: Love and Hate in the Automotive Age. Chicago/London 2008.
LAM, Elsa: “Rails, Trails, Roads, and Lodgings: Networks of Mobility and the Touristic Development of the “Canadian Pacific Rockies”, 1885-1930”. In: Coates, Colin M.; Young, Jay; Bradley, Ben (eds.): Moving Natures: Mobility and the Environment in Canadian History. Calgary 2016, pp. 275-298.
LAMBERT, Maude-Emmanuelle:“Automobile Tourism in Quebec and Ontario: Development, Promotion, and Representations, 1920-1945.” In: Coates, Colin M.; Young, Jay; Bradley, Ben (eds.): Moving Natures: Mobility and the Environment in Canadian History. Calgary 2016, pp. 299-322.
LOUTER, David: Windshield Wilderness: Cars, Roads, and Nature in Washington’s National Parks. Seattle 2006.
LÖFGREN, Orvar: On Holiday. A History of Vacationing (California Studies in Critical Human Geography). Berkeley 2002, pp. 41-71.
MILLER, Sean William: “Automotive Enclosures. The Nature of Rio de Janeiro’s Streets and the Elite Domination of the Urban Commons, 1900-1960”. In: Zeithistorische Forschungen 14 (2017), pp. 487-510.
NORTON, Peter D.: “Street Rivals. Jaywalking and the Invention of the Motor Age Street.” In: Technology and Culture 48/2 (2007), pp. 331-359.
RIEGER, Bernhard: The People’s Car. A Global History of the Volkswagen Beetle. Cambridge/London 2013, pp. 256-291. (disponível em português)
RUTKOW, Eric: The Longest Line on the Map. The United States, the Pan-American Highway, and the Quest to Link the Americas. New York 2019.
SALVATORE, Ricardo D.: “ Imperial Mechanics: South America’s Hemispheric Integration in the Machine Age.” In: American Quarterly 58/3 (2006), pp. 662-691.
SCHARFF, Virginia: “Home Lands – How Women on the Move made the West.” In: Colin Divall (Ed.): Cultural Histories of Sociabilities, Spaces and Mobilities (Studies for the International Society for Cultural History). London 2015, pp. 17-28.
SCHWARTZ, Rosalie: Flying Down to Rio. Hollywood, Tourists, and Yankee Clippers. College Station/Texas 2010.
SEILER, Cotten: Republic of Drivers: A Cultural History of Automobility in America. Chicago 2008.
SINGH, Dhan Zunino: “Where Are We Going? A Discussion of Mobility History in Latin America.” In: Mobility in History 6 (2015), S. 54-62.
SUTTER, Paul S.: Driven Wild: How the Fight Against the Automobile Launched the Modern Wilderness Movement. Seattle 2002.
UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN/ Dearborn and Benson Research Center: Automobile in American Life and Society Project (2004-2010). http://www.autolife.umd.umich.edu/
URRY, John: Mobilities. Cambridge 2008.
VELOSI, Martin V.: “The Automobile and the Environment in American History.” (2004- 2010) In: University of Michigan/ Dearborn and Benson Research Center: Automobile in American Life and Society Project http://www.autolife.umd.umich.edu/Environment/E_Overview/E_Overview.htm
VELOSI, Martin V.: “The Automobile Shapes the City.” (2004-2010) In: University of Michigan/ Dearborn and Benson Research Center: Automobile in American Life and Society Project http://www.autolife.umd.umich.edu/Environment/E_Casestudy/E_casestudy.htm
WALSH, Margaret: “Gender and American Mobility: Cars, Women and the Issue of Equality.” In: Colin Divall (Ed.): Cultural Histories of Sociabilities, Spaces and Mobilities (=Studies for the International Society for Cultural History). London 2015, pp. 29-37.
WALSH, Margaret: “Gender and the Automobile in the United States” (2004-2010). In: UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN/ Dearborn and Benson Research Center: Automobile in American Life and Society Project
WELLS, Christopher: Car Country: an Environmental History. Seattle 2012.
WOLFE, Joel: Autos and Progress. The Brazilian Search for Modernity. Oxford 2010.
Largo de São Francisco 1
sala 205 – Centro
Rio de Janeiro/RJ – Brasil
CEP: 20051-070
Quarta-feira, 10:00 – 14:00
Quinta-feira, 10:00 – 14:00