Felipe Charbel Teixeira
Associate Professor of Theory and Methodology of History
PhD in Social History (PUC-RJ, 2008)

Felipe Charbel Teixeira

Lines of research

Thematic Clusters

Historiography, Historical Knowledge, and History Teaching
History of practices of representation and of literary and artistic forms

Advising subjects

Intellectual history of the Renaissance;
Rhetoric in the modern era (15th and 16th centuries);
History and historiography of Literature (20th century);
Theory of History.

Ongoing Research

Figurations of history and the knowledge of literature: a study of contemporary historical fiction.

Selected Publications

CHARBEL, Felipe. Janelas irreais. Um diário de releituras. 1. ed. Belo Horizonte: Relicário, 2018. 189p.

CHARBEL, Felipe. Repactuar o romance histórico e a ficção biográfica. Sobre HHhH, de Laurent Binet. ARTCULTURA (UFU), v. 19, p. 31-41, 2017.

CHARBEL, Felipe; MELLO, Luiza Larangeira da Silva (Org.); GUSMAO, Henrique Buarque (Org.). As formas do romance. Estudos sobre a historicidade da literatura. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Ponteio, 2016. v. 1. 290p.

CHARBEL, Felipe. Uma filosofia inquietante da história: sobre Austerlitz, de W. G. Sebald. História da Historiografia, v. 19, p. 124-141, 2016.

Other Info

CNPq Researcher 2..


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