
Annual Application Process

The PPGHIS admission process takes place once a year, for both master’s and doctoral degrees. The Call for Applications can vary significantly from one year to the next, and therefore it is very important to carefully read the details of the Call for Applications in effect that year. It is an extremely elaborate process, which involves the entire faculty of the Program.

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External Awards

See the theses and dissertations by PPGHIS grad studetns which have received national awards from scientific and research institutions.

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Deivid Gaia is JCNE – Faperj

Prof. Deivid Valerio Gaia was awarded the Young Cientista do Nosso Estado grant from FAPERJ, with the project: Creditors and debtors in a life on credit: credit relations, interest rates and financial crises in the Roman world of the 1st century BC. to the fourth century AD.

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Paulo Fontes is CNE – Faperj

Prof. Paulo Fontes was awarded FAPERJ’S Scientist of Our State fellowship. The project thus awarded is entitled: Black trade unionists in the “Trade Union Republic”: Racial relations and labor in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (1945-1964).

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Robert H. Smith ICJS

Professor Vítor Izecksohn was awarded a scholarship from the Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies.

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Jabuti Award 2022 – Flavio Gomes

Professor Flávio Gomes received the Jabuti Prize this year, in the Humanities category, for the book Enciclopédia Negra, co-authored with Jaime Lauriano and Lilia Moritz Schwarcz.

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Royal History Society

Lucas Erichsen, 2021 alumnus 2021, was elected Early Career Scholar of the Royal Historical Society (United Kingdom) for the next five years.

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Max Planck Institute

Millena de Souza Farias, Ph.D. candidate at PPGHIS, begins her pre-doctoral fellowship at the prestigious Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, from October 2021 to February 2022.

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FAPERJ Grade 10

PPGHIS students who have excellent performance may be indictated by the Program as a potential recipient of hte FAPERJ Grade 10 Award, a very prestigious fellowship.

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Vitor Izecksohn granted FAPERJ fellowship

Professor Vitor Izecksohn was announced last week as one of the recipients of the very prestigious FAPERJ fellowship, bolsa Cientista do Nosso Estado, for his research project “Federalismos alternativos: os Estados Confederados da América e a Confederação Argentina, 1852-1865.”

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