
Post-Doctoral internships

To apply for a post-doctoral internship with PPGHIS professors, candidates must submit to the Program coordination the documents in the list in this page.

As the first step, the top three documents (application form, project and supervisor’s letter of consent) must be submitted for approval by the Program’s Deliberative Commission. Only then can the other documents be sent to the Program coordination.

The postdoctoral fellow, at the end of his internship, must present an activity report, together with the supervisor’s evaluation, for approval by the Deliberative Commission.

Required Documents

  1. Application form;
  2. Research project  + plan of activities;
  3. Letter of consent from the postdoctoral supervisor, including a detailed evaluation of the project.
  4. Curriculum for the postdoctoral candidate;
  5. Proof of the doctoral degree;
  6. Copy of identity document or, in the case of a foreigner, passport;
  7. Copy of CPF (Brazilian Social Security Cart);
  8. Copy of voter registration (if national);
  9. Copy of the military draft certificate (for nationals);
  10. Declaration on the work regime to be developed in the post-doctoratal candidate, informing if it will be full-time or part-time (it may be a self-declaration);
  11. Term of Commitment, completed and signed by all parties;
  12. Term of Consent by the employing institution, signed by the same or an equivalent body (for all candidates who have an employment contract). Forms 11 and 12 are attached to resolution CEPG 04/2018, from UFRJ
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