
Scholarships and grants

Students regularly enrolled in the Master’s and Doctorate programs may request support to participate in events, according to rules established by the Finance Committee and approved by the Program’s Deliberative Commission. The current rules were approved on June 13, 2018.

Programa Abdias do Nascimento

Mestrandos e doutorandos do PPGHIS podem se candidatar a bolsas para um período de estudos na University of Cambridge, com pesquisas alinhadas ao projeto Educação antirracista em perspectiva transnacional.

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Students – Financial Aid

The Program shall support the participation of PPGHIS students in national and international events, and the carrying out of research in archives that are relevant to the student’s dissertation or thesis. This aid can only be granted within the rules decided by the Board, explained here.

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FAPERJ Grade 10

PPGHIS students who have excellent performance may be indictated by the Program as a potential recipient of hte FAPERJ Grade 10 Award, a very prestigious fellowship.

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