International Applicants

International applicants who are not applying to PPGHIS fellowships will be evaluated by the International Affairs Committee in a separate selection process, with rolling admission deadlines.

A. To receive a conditional acceptance letter, which will be confirmed only after the concession of a valid non-PPGHIS fellowship, the applicant must submit to the PPGHIS office the following documentation by email (

  1. A digital copy of the undergraduate diploma;
  2. A digital copy of the undergraduate official transcript, for master applicants. Applicants to the doctoral program must also include a copy of their graduate official transcript;
  3. Curriculum Vitae or Lattes Curriculum;
  4. Research project for both master and doctoral applicants, in the style defined in the PPGHIS website (see guidelines for master and doctoral applicants, in the official call for applications for this year);
  5. Statement of intent declaring the applicant will be available during the period required for completion of the course;
  6. Statement from the candidate identifying potential advisors at PPGHIS;
  7. Two confidential letters of recommendation from qualified professionals (preferably faculty), emailed to the PPGHIS address ( or In the letter, the writer should include information on how and for how long s/he knew the applicant, as well as evaluate the applicant´s academic performance and potential for graduate studies in history. The email should remain confidential and must be dated before the day scheduled for the meeting of the Master or Doctoral Selection Committee.

B. To register in the Program, applicants must first show proof of concession of a valid international fellowship and/or PEC-PG (CAPES) before the deadline for enrollment for the first semester of the academic year.

C. Deadline for online application is August 29th of the current year. Excepcionally applications after this date may be considered, with reasonable justification.

D. The International Affairs Committee will evaluate complete applications until September 30 of the same year, when the results will be announced.

For further information on fellowships and legal requirements, please consult the following site:
Programa de Estudantes-Convênio de Pós-Graduação (PEC-PG)

According to the University regulations, the dissertation or thesis may be presented in English or Spanish.

Segunda fase da seleção PIPD 2024: prova oral (horários)

A prova oral, segunda fase da seleção PIPD 2024, será realizada na sala 205 (Werneck), no dia 29/10/2024, nos seguintes horários:

10:00 – Cairo de Souza Barbosa
10: 20 – Clarissa Mattos Farias
10: 40 – Cristiane de Paula Ribeiro
11:00 – João Arthur Franzolin
11:20 – Luiz Antonio Silva
11:40 – Sabrina Costa Braga

Obs.: Haverá a possibilidade de entrevista pelo Zoom para candidatos de outro estado. Solicitar pelo email:

Resultado da primeira fase da seleção PIPD 2024

Veja os resultados da primeira fase da avaliação da seleção para o Programa Institucional de Pós-doutorado (PIPD)

Candidatos classificados na primeira etapa:

Cairo de Souza Barbosa
Clarissa Mattos Farias
Cristiane de Paula Ribeiro
João Arthur Franzolin
Luiz Antonio Silva
Sabrina Costa Braga

Notas da primeira etapa:

Cairo de Souza Barbosa – 8,5
Clarissa Mattos Farias – 9,5
Cristiane de Paula Ribeiro – 8,5
Daniel Teixeira Taveira – 5,0
Felipe Rabelo Couto – 7,5
Gabriel Paes Sales – 7,5
Hélida Santos Conceição – 7,5
João Arthur Franzolin – 8,5
Luiz Antonio Silva – 8,5
Rodrigo Prates de Andrade – 7,5
Sabrina Costa Braga – 8,8
Stephanie Mesquita Assaf – 7,5
Thiago Herzog de Almeida – 7,5

Research Project guidelines

Research projects for the Master’s program are limited to 10 pages, plus bibliography.

Research projects for the Ph.D. program are limited to 15 pages, plus 1 page for abstract and plus bibliography.

Recomendação prévia

On the front page, include the institutional data (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Instituto de História; Programa de Pós-graduação em História Social), the title of your project, the line of research, the level of the program for which you are applying (Ph.D. or Master’s ), and the current year.

The research project must be completely anonymous. The author’s name should appear only in the filename (ex.: JOANA_SILVA_Projeto.pdf).

All items below are mandatory. If any of these items are lacking, or out of order, the project may be disqualified without further analysis.




Delimitation of the research object

Historiographic debate


Quadro teórico


Metodologia e fontes

Referências bibliográficas

As referências bibliográficas devem ser apresentadas segundo as normas da ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas).

Can s/he advise me?

Faculty Master’s DegreeDoctorate
Andréa Casa Nova Maia12
Andréa Daher22
Antonio Carlos Jucá de Sampaio22
Beatriz Catão Cruz Santos22
Carlos Ziller Camenietzki22
Claudio Costa Pinheiro22
Diogo Cabral00
Felipe Charbel Teixeira22
Fernando Luiz Vale Castro00
Flavio Gomes11
Gabriel de Carvalho Godoy Castanho22
Hanna Sonkajarvi00
Henrique Buarque de Gusmão22
Isabele Mello22
Jacqueline Hermann22
João Luís Ribeiro Fragoso22
João Ohara22
Jorge Victor de Araújo22
José Augusto Pádua22
Lise Sedrez22
Luiza Larangeira da Silva Mello22
Marcos Bretas22
Maria Paula Nascimento Araújo20
Marieta de Moraes Ferreira22
Marta Mega de Andrade22
Monica Grin22
Mônica Lima e Souza11
Murilo Sebe Bon Meihy22
Nuno Fragoso22
Paulo Fontes22
Renato Luís do Couto Neto e Lemos22
Roberto Guedes22
Sílvia Correia21
Vinícius Liebel22
Vitor Izecksohn22
William de Souza Martins22

Annual Application Process

The PPGHIS admission process takes place once a year, for both master’s and doctoral degrees. The Call for Applications can vary significantly from one year to the next, and therefore it is very important to carefully read the details of the Call for Applications in effect that year. It is an extremely elaborate process, which involves the entire faculty of the Program. Calls for Applications are usually published in August of each year, and the admission process takes place between the beginning of October, and it concludes in December. Between 2020 and 2022, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these dates were changed. Since 2018, registration for the PPGHIS selection process has taken place exclusively online, for a maximum of 30 vacancies. For the 2024 selection process, we had 267 applications, 199 from candidates for the Master’s course and 68 for the PhD course. For all appeals, the Selection Coordination is the last decision-making body, and no external appeals are possible. International applicants may follow a different path to enter the Program, as shown on the website.
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