Lise Sedrez
Associate Professor in History of the Americas
Ph.D. in History (Stanford University, 2005)
Institute of History Deputy Director

Lise Sedrez

Lines of research

Thematic Clusters

History nature and territories
Patrimony institutions and public policies

Advising subjects

Environmental history
Modern Latin American history
Urban history
History of science
US history

Ongoing Research

Online Bibliography of Environmental History of Latin America.
Post-industrial landscapes: the legacies of deindustrialization for humans and non-humans in Guanabara Bay, 1960 to 2020
Deindustrialization and social history: the construction of a research field (Brazil and Germany) – PROBRAL/CAPES
Environmental history of the transformations of riverside landscapes and socio-ecological relations in the Doce River, Governador Valadares, MG

Selected Publications

SEDREZ, Lise;  CAPILÉ, Bruno.  Water Labour: Urban Metabolism, Energy and Rivers in Nineteenth-Century Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In Diogo de Carvalho Cabral, André Vasques Vital, and Margarita Gascón (Orgs.) More-Than-Human Histories of Latin America and the Caribbean: Decentring the Human in Environmental History. Londres, University of London Press, 2024, pp. 91–108.

SEDREZ, Lise Sedrez;  BIASILLO, Roberta. Rooting Out Injustices from the Top: The Multispecies Alliance in Morro da Babilônia, Rio de Janeiro. Social Text 40, no. 1 (150)  (2022):

SEDREZ, Lise; RAJAN, Ravi (Org.). The Great Convergence: Environmental Histories of BRICS. 1. ed. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2018.

SEDREZ, Lise; DUARTE, Regina Horta. The Wall and the Ivy: Environmental Narratives from an Urban Continent. In: John Soluri; Claudia Leal; José Augusto Pádua. (Org.). A Living Past: Environmental Histories of Modern Latin America. 1ed.New York City: Berghahn Books, 2018, p. 138-162.

SEDREZ, Lise; ARMIERO, Marco. (Org.) History of Environmentalism: Local Struggles, Global Histories. Londres: Bloomsbury Academic, 2014.

Other Info

Editor of the entry Environmental History on the Portuguese Wikipedia – Environmental History for All, Outreach Project.

CNPq Researcher
Rachel Carson Center Fellow, 2015-2016.
National Endowment for Humanities Fellow, 2010-2011
Co-editor of the book series “Latin American Landscapes”, University of Arizona Press

Vice-President of the Sociedad Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Historia Ambiental, 2023-2025.
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais e Landhaus Fellowship/RCC, 2022-2023. (post doctoral fellowship).


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