
Bruno Latour post-doc fellowships – France

I am writing to you because Sciences Po is recruiting 8 postdocs in the environmental social sciences on 36 month contracts starting in 2023. This is the second and final round of applications, and for this second round of application we are especially looking forward to  hiring one or two

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Doctoral Program Environment and Society

The Doctoral Program Environment and Society is aimed at graduates from the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences who wish to research questions concerning the nature/culture/environment interface. Within the scope of the program, doctoral students acquire the ability to understand the origins and interactions of complex natural and social processes.

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Bolsas de estudo – França

Foi lançado pela Embaixada da França no Brasil um novo edital de bolsas de estudos para a França! O programa é destinado aos estudantes do primeiro, segundo ou terceiro ano de doutorado no Brasil que estejam pesquisando sobre temas na área de ecologia e ciências ambientais. Por meio desse programa

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