Between April 11th and December 15th, 1961, the trial of Adolf Eichmann, who was held responsible for his role in the murder of millions of European Jews, took place in Jerusalem. Eichmann had previously been captured by the Mossad in Argentina, where he had fled and gone into hiding in 1950, on the basis of information provided by Fritz Bauer, the Attorney General of Hesse. Our project attempts to initiate a transnational and transmedial discussion of the reception of the trial exploring how political-historical, legal-normative, philosophical-anthropological, and cultural-aesthetic discourses intertwine. The project consists of a digital event series on the international reception of the trial and a workshop in March 2022 on cinematic, media, and literary representations. The results are to be published in an anthology in 2023.
Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021, 3pm (São Paulo, Buenos Aires), 7pm CET (in Portuguese language)
Maria Luiza Tucci Carneiro (Universidade de São Paulo; Brazil): Reception and Memory of the Eichmann Trial in Brazil and South America
Emmanuel Kahan (CONICET; Universidad Nacional La Plata): “La recepção del caso Eichmann en Argentina”
Monica Grin (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro): Comment on Research Projects and Perspectives