Programa de Desenvolvimento Acadêmico Abdias Nascimento

A CAPES e a Secretaria de Educação Continuada, Alfabetização de Jovens e Adultos, Diversidade e Inclusão (Secadi) do Ministério da Educação (MEC) recriaram o Programa de Desenvolvimento Acadêmico Abdias Nascimento, com a publicação da Portaria nº 1.191/2023. Nesta quinta-feira, em cerimônia na sede da Fundação, em Brasília, foram anunciados mais de R$600 milhões em diversas ações afirmativas na pós-graduação stricto sensu e na formação de professores para a Educação Básica. O objetivo é formar e capacitar, no Brasil e exterior, estudantes autodeclarados pretos, pardos e indígenas, alunos com deficiência, transtornos globais do desenvolvimento e altas habilidades, em universidades, instituições de educação profissional e tecnológica e centros de pesquisa de excelência.

No Brasil, o Abdias Nascimento terá o Edital nº 17/2023Programa de Desenvolvimento da Pós-Graduação (PDPG) – Políticas Afirmativas e Diversidade, para apoiar projetos de formação de professores e pesquisadores e realização de pesquisas acadêmico-científicas, em diferentes áreas do conhecimento, em temas relacionados às políticas afirmativas e à diversidade. Serão concedidas bolsas de mestrado, doutorado e pós-doutorado. O investimento da CAPES soma R$45 milhões ao longo de cinco anos. As inscrições para os projetos no País ocorrerão de 15 de julho a 25 de agosto deste ano e o início das atividades está previsto para a partir de dezembro.


Doctoral Program Environment and Society

The Doctoral Program Environment and Society is aimed at graduates from the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences who wish to research questions concerning the nature/culture/environment interface. Within the scope of the program, doctoral students acquire the ability to understand the origins and interactions of complex natural and social processes. The doctoral program brings together expertise on environmental research from university and non-university institutions in Munich. The program is based at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, a joint initiative of LMU Munich and the Deutsches Museum. Its stimulating research environment, intensive supervision, and opportunity to form international networks offer excellent conditions for doctoral students.


Application Process

Applicants wishing to be admitted to this doctoral program must hold a Master’s degree from a recognized university, show evidence of excellence in their field of study, and present a plan for a doctoral project in one of the following areas or combination of areas:

  • History: Environmental History, History of Science and Technology
  • Sociology: Environmental Sociology, Political Economy, Sociology of Economics
  • Energy and Resource Economics for Sustainability
  • Geography: Modeling Social-Ecological Relations and Systems, Historical Geography, Political Ecology
  • Geology and Natural Catastrophes
  • Bioarcheology, Life Sciences in Society
  • Biology: Paleoanatomy and Archaeology
  • Environmental Law
  • Environmental Policy: Comparative, International, or Politics of Ecological Transitions
  • Environmental Ethics
  • Anthropology: Environmental, Urban, or Political; especially Latin America and Pacific
  • Cultural Studies, Art and the Environment in Historical Perspective
  • Environmental Humanities, Literature and Environment

Please submit your application via the online application portal of the LMU GraduateCenter.

You will need the following documents for your online application:

  • Copies of university degree(s) held;
  • Proof of higher education entrance qualification (high school diploma or equivalent);
  • Master’s thesis (if in a language other than English or German, please provide a table of contents and an exposé of max. 5 pages in English);
  • An academic curriculum vitae (including publications, if applicable);
  • A statement of purpose for your application to the program (up to two pages);
  • A research proposal (max. 5 pages, including bibliography, footnotes, and time table);
  • The name of a member of the Academic Board whose research interests match the dissertation project;
  • Name and contact information for two academic referees (university lecturers), able to give information about your suitability for the program and your academic potential.

Candidates can join the program in either the winter or the summer semester. Applications are due through the online application portal by 15 May for the winter semester and 15 November for the summer semester. Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by the end of July (for a start date of 1 October) or by the end of January (for a start date of 1 April). The portal will open ca. 5 weeks prior to the application deadline.

Selection of candidates will be made on the basis of the documents submitted and may additionally include an academic interview with a member of the selection committee. Interviews can be conducted via Skype/Zoom.

The selection committee will base its choice on the following factors: quality and feasibility of the research proposal, qualifications held, communication skills and teamwork ability, and demonstrated willingness and ability to work on interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological questions.

Bolsas de estudo – França

Foi lançado pela Embaixada da França no Brasil um novo edital de bolsas de estudos para a França!

🇫🇷🌳 O programa é destinado aos estudantes do primeiro, segundo ou terceiro ano de doutorado no Brasil que estejam pesquisando sobre temas na área de ecologia e ciências ambientais.

🔬 Por meio desse programa de bolsas, a Embaixada da França no Brasil tem o objetivo de fortalecer a cooperação científica entre Brasil e França, sobretudo em questões cruciais da crise climática e da perda da biodiversidade.Mais informações no site

Pós-doutorado Bruno Latour – Paris

I am writing to you because Sciences Po is recruiting 8 postdocs in the environmental social sciences on 36 month contracts starting in 2023. This is the second and final round of applications, and for this second round of application we are especially looking forward to  hiring one or two environmental historians. The ideal candidates are those who ask big, fundamental questions about the past in the light of our fraught ecological present (even when they research small places) and can speak to the other social sciences we practice at Sciences Po.

Bolsas nos EUA

O Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at Pitt acaba de criar o programa Billie Lozano de bolsas de curta duração para realização de pesquisas em nossa biblioteca e participação nas atividades do Centro. A cada ano, daremos prioridade a um tema. O deste ano é a Amazônia. As candidaturas podem ser enviadas em português, inglês e espanhol. Divulguem!

A Comprehensive Guide to Fellowship Applications – resource for PhDs & ECRs

As many of you know, I’m very committed to sharing best research practices and supporting postgraduate researchers and early career scholars in particular in navigating research careers. I’m sharing here a new open access “Comprehensive Guide to Fellowship Applications” that I just completed for the Institute for Academic Development at the University of Edinburgh, and which is available on their Research Staff Hub here with tables for reflective activities that help in writing up an application. It’s based in large part on my experience applying to the Marie Curie scheme and though there’s some Edinburgh-specific material in there, I hope that it may be of help in a wider sense to the RCC community. Feel free to share with your graduate students and wider network. 

To help with the promotion, there’s an accompanying blog post on ‘Benefits of Writing Fellowship Applications‘.

With warm wishes from Scotland, Anna Pilz (former fellow)

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