Ars HIstorica 21 is online

We are pleased to inform that Ars Historica, issue 21, is now online. After a short transition, the journal is now hosted in a new website, at the UFRJ’open access journal database.

Check out the journal at

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Editors Luis Henrique Souza dos Santos e Eric Fagundes de Carvalho

Revista Ars Historica – PPGHIS/UFRJ

Silvia Correa and Henrique Gusmão granted JCNE Faperj

Sílvia Correia

Henrique Buarque de Gusmão received the award for his research project  “Estrelas e malditos: ‘sucessos de escândalo’ e lutas de concorrência na crise do teatro brasileiro moderno dos anos 1960”, while Silvia Adriana Barbosa Correia’s project has the title “Escrever a Guerra: um Estudo Cultural das Memórias da Experiência Portuguesa na Primeira Guerra Mundial”

For more information see

BRASA denounces Fulbright Brazil’s decision

On April 5, 2021, the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) and the Fulbright Commission Brazil published their call for applications to the Full Doctorate Program in the USA (Edital 5/2021). Surprisingly, and unlike previous years, the Humanities and the Social Sciences were excluded from this important program. Soon afterwards, Fulbright ALUMNI issued a letter to the Fulbright Commission Brazil protesting the decision, arguing that “it is impossible not to interpret the removal of Human and Social Sciences from this funding program as yet another attack on Brazilian science and on the areas most directly linked to facing the politics of death, disinformation, extermination, and violence; marks of the current Brazilian administration.” On April 30, BRASA’s president, vice president, executive director, nine past presidents, and more than ninety scholars (most of whom have been Fulbright fellowship recipients) sent a letter to Dr. Luiz Loureiro, the Executive Director of the Fulbright Commission Brazil, endorsing the letter sent by Fulbright ALUMNI and requesting that the decision to exclude the Humanities and the Social Sciences from the Full Doctorate Program be reversed. On May 3, the Executive Director replied to BRASA’s endorsement letter saying that he had already responded to the letter sent by Fulbright ALUMNI.

BRASA was able to obtain Dr. Loureiro’s reply to the letter sent by Fulbright ALUMNI. On the one hand, the letter offers a detailed description of Fulbright Brazil programs concerning the Humanities and the Social Sciences. BRASA officials are appreciative of them all, especially the one focusing on Afro-Brazilians and indigenous peoples and the various Visiting Scholar programs. On the other hand, it was deeply disappointing to see that the Executive Director failed to address the subject of the alumni letter that BRASA endorsed. His reply offers no explanation as to the reasons why the Humanities and the Social Sciences were excluded from one of the main programs offered by Fulbright. The silence on the issue is concerning because, as is well known, the present Brazilian government has repeatedly attacked academic freedom and harassed scholars targeting mainly professors and researchers in the Humanities and the Social Sciences.

Topoi in the SJR ranking: top among Brazilian academic journals in History

Foi publicado o ranking da SCImago Journal & Country Rank (o ranking das revistas indexadas na SCOPUS). A Topoi ficou em primeiro lugar, entre as revistas brasileiras da área de História / Arts and Humanities, e sexto lugar para Scimago-Arts and Humanities/História na América Latina.  Eis o link para o ranking:

A editora Luiza Larangeira e sublinhou a importância deste trabalho em equipe: “Gostaria de agradecer aos editores da Topoi, à toda equipe técnica e à coordenação do PPGHIS pelo trabalho conjunto. Em especial agradeço a Henrique Gusmão e Sílvia Correia, responsáveis pelo processo de indexação da Topoi na SCOPUS, sem o qual a revista não entraria no ranking. E também à Lise, pelo apoio constante, à Millena Farias, da equipe de indexação coordenada pela Sílvia Correia, e a Mareana Barbosa e Mylena Porto da equipe de divulgação, cujo trabalho é fundamental para a indexação e fator de impacto da revista.”

O processo de indexação é um trabalho contínuo, mas é importante celebrar a avaliação da TOPOI por uma das principais e mais importantes bases de indexação internacional de revistas científicas das áreas das ciências sociais e humanas.

Vitor Izecksohn granted FAPERJ fellowship

Vitor Izecksohn

Professor Vitor Izecksohn was announced last week as one of the recipients of the very prestigious FAPERJ fellowship, bolsa Cientista do Nosso Estado, for his research project “Federalismos alternativos: os Estados Confederados da América e a Confederação Argentina, 1852-1865.”

For more information see

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