Luiza L Mello
Assistant Professor on Theory and Methodology of History
Ph.D. in Social History of Culture (PUC-Rio, 2010).
Deputy coordinator of PPGHIS

Luiza Larangeira da Silva Mello

Lines of research

Thematic Clusters

History of practices of representation and of literary and artistic forms
Intellectual History, the History of Ideas, and the History of Science

Advising subjects

Intellectual and Literary History
The relations between history and fiction
The novel in a historical perspective

Ongoing Research

Natives and outsiders: subjectivity, sociability, and cosmopolitanism on the turn of the 20th century
History and Fiction: the literary aspects of history and the historical aspects of literature.

Selected Publications

SILVA MELLO, L. L. Depois da QuedaA cultura norte-americana na obra de Henry James. Rio de Janeiro: Gramma Livraria e Editora, 2020.

SILVA MELLO, L. L. Os descaminhos da alma. Georg Simmel, Henry James e a “tragédia da cultura”. PANDAEMONIUM GERMANICUM (IMPRESSO), v. 22, p. 76-101, 2019.

SILVA MELLO, L. L. The sense of the past: the historical sensibility in Lionel Trillings literary criticism. ARTELOGIE, v. 2019, p. 1-15, 2019. 

SILVA MELLO, L. L. (Org.); TEIXEIRA, F. C. (Org.) ; DUARTE, J.A.D. (Org.) ; KLEIN. K. S. (Org.) . Reinvenções da narrativa: ensaios de história e crítica literária. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editora PUC-Rio, 2019. v. 1. 210p .

SILVA MELLO, L. L. Estrangeiros em qualquer lugar do mundo: o ponto de vista cosmopolita no romance da virada do século XX. In: Felipe Charbel; Henrique Buarque de Gusmão; Luiza Larangeira da Silva Mello. (Org.). As formas do romance: estudos sobre a historicidade da literatura. 1ed. Rio de Janeiro: Ponteio, 2016, v., p. 123-143.

Other Info

Former Chief-Editor of Topoi.Revista de História.


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