Assistant Professor in Medieval History
Ph.D in History and Civilizations (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales – Paris, 2013)

Gabriel de Carvalho Godoy Castanho

Lines of research

Thematic Clusters

Historiography, Historical Knowledge, and History Teaching
History of practices of representation and of literary and artistic forms
Religiosities, powers and sensibilities

Advising subjects

The medieval ecclesial system: history, social sciences and monasticism (Western Europe, 9th-13th centuries);
“Rhetoricity”: semantics, writing and society in the Middle Ages
Epidemics and community in the Middle Ages: from historiographic renewal to the history of emotions during the Black Death

Ongoing Research

Social History of Medieval Churches: eremitism, monasticism and ecclesiology
History of Medieval Writings: materialities, rhetoric and historical semantics
History of Emotions in the Middle Ages: sensitivities and social organization
Medieval History and Digital Humanities: documentary corpora and databases
Medievalisms and the “medievalesque”: uses and abuses of the Middle Ages

Selected Publications

CASTANHO, G. O Cônego e o Eremita. Retórica, religião e sociedade (Chartres, 1120-1150). São Paulo: Annablume, 2021 (no prelo).

CASTANHO, G. A construção de uma comunidade sensível: corpo, afeto e emoção nos escritos de Guigo I (Grande Cartuxa, 1109-1136). In: Pasado Abierto. Revista del CEHis. n. 9, p. 34-59, 2019.

CASTANHO, G. Dans la solitude des autres : pour une histoire sociale et politique du concept de solitudo au Moyen Âge. In: Bulletin du Centre d’Études Médiévales d’Auxerre, 22.2, 2016.

CASTANHO, G. Regime de discurso e laços sociais: o silêncio e a escrita monástica na primeira metade do século XII. In: Revista Religião e Sociedade, v. 36, n. 1, p. 56-73, 2016.

CASTANHO, G. A polissemia (social) do deserto: uma história do tópos histórico e historiográfico da solidão monástica no contexto latino medievalRevista de História (São Paulo), n. 173, p. 115-139, 2015.

Other Info

Associação Brasileira de Estudos Medievais, since 2001.
International Medieval Society, Paris, since 2009

Also known as: CASTANHO, Gabriel de Carvalho Godoy; CASTANHO, G C G; DE CARVALHO GODOY, G.


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