Full Professor of Modern History
Ph.D. in Political Science (IUPERJ, 2001)

Monica Grin

Lines of research

Thematic Clusters

History and violence: memory, trauma and politics of past
Racial, ethnic and gender relations

Advising subjects

Historiography of racial relations in comparative perspective; racism and racialism in the contemporary world;
19th and 20th-century Jewish studies;
history of moral feelings (19th-21st centuries)

Ongoing Research

Resentment and Post-holocaust: Experiments in the History of Moral Feelings
Intellectual dialogues around “mestiçagem” in the context of the Americas in the post-abolition
Historiography of Racial Relations in Comparative Perspective: Racial Perceptions of mainstream understading and the Tradition of Race Studies in Brazil

Selected Publications

GRIN, Monica. Blacks, Jews, and the Paradoxes of the Struggle against Racial Prejudice in Contemporary Brazil. In: Yaron Harel, Margalit Bejarano, Marta Topel, Margalit Yosifon. (Org.). Jews and jewish identities in Latin America: historical, cultural and literary perspectives. 1ed. Brighton, MA: 9781618116482, v. , p. 1-550, 2017.

GRIN, Monica; CORREIA, Sílvia. Dossiê Violência no Sec. XX: Entre Trauma, Memória e História. Boletim Historiar, v. 1, p. 1-123, 2016.

GRIN, Monica; GHERMAN, Michel. Identidades Ambivalentes: Desafios aos estudos judaicos no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro: 7 Letras, 2016.

GRIN, Monica. “Raça“, Debate Público no Brasil. 1. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad X / Faperj, 2010. 220p .

Other Info

Editor of the Revista Digital do NIEJ (http://niej.historia.ufrj.br/p/revista-eletronica.html);

Board member of the Latin American Jewish Studies Association;

Board member of  the Edelstein Center for Social Research.

CNPq researche.


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