Marcos Bretas
Associate Professor of History of Brazil (DE)
Ph.D. in History (The Open University, 1995)

Marcos Bretas

Lines of research

Thematic Clusters

History and violence: memory, trauma and politics of past
Social Movements and Labor Worlds: experience and representations

Advising subjects

Relations between people and the State;
Violence, crime and agents of social control in Brazil in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Ongoing Research

The Testimony as a Window: The Profile of the Affected by and the Repressive Structure of the Dictatorial State in Rio de Janeiro from Testimonies given to the State Reparation Commission of Rio de Janeiro;

Selected Publications

BRETAS, M. L. MAIA, C. N.; Sá Neto, F.; COSTA, M. (Org.). História das Prisões no Brasil. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Anfiteatro, 2017. v. 1. 314p

BRETAS, M. L. MAIA, C. N.; Sá Neto, F.; COSTA, M. (Org.). História das Prisões no Brasil. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Anfiteatro, 2017. v. 2. 317p

BRETAS, M. L.; GALEANO, D. (Org.). Policías Escritores, Delitos Impresos. Revistas Policiales en América del Sur. 1. ed. Buenos Aires: Editorial Teseo, 2016. v. 1. 506p .

BRETAS, M. L.; CARNEIRO, D. F.; ROSEMBERG, A. (Org.). História, Violência e Criminalidade: Reflexões temáticas e narrativas regionais. 1. ed. Uberlândia: Editora da UFU, 2015. v. 1. 332p .

BRETAS, M. L.; ROSEMBERG, A.. A história da polícia no Brasil: balanço e perspectivas. TOPOI, v. 14, p. 162-173, 2013.

Other Info

National Archive Research Award 1995 with the book “The war of the streets: people and police in the city of Rio de Janeiro.”


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