Ph.D. Selection Committee 2024
It runs the application process for 2024 admission for the Ph.D. program.
It runs the application process for 2024 admission for the Ph.D. program.
The PPGHIS Students’ Wellness Committee is being reformulated into a Student Monitoring Committee.
It evaluates students’ performance through annual and semi-annual reports (for scholarship holders), and defines the order of precedence for receiving scholarships for the Coordination. Furthermore, it promotes the selection process for Scholarships based on Socio-Economic Criteria.
The GV/PROEX is composed by at least three members, i.e., the program coordinator, a faculty representative and a student representative, appointed by their peers. At PPGHIS, it is traditionally constituted by former coordinators, the current coordinator, his/her deputy, in addition to the student representative.
The Internationalization Committee defines and coordinates PPGHIS’s Internationalization Plan. It advises faculty regarding international publishing, promotes the selection process for Study Abroad grants and for PNPD. When requested, it offers support to the Academic Assessment Committee.
It defines the guidelines for expenses for the Program, decides on applications for student aid, and evaluates and approves the financial reports by the Coordination.
The Alumni Committee endeavors to reach out for PPGHIS’ alumni and to promote closer connections between them and the Program..
Responsible for accreditation, de-accreditation and monitoring of faculty, through annual evaluations.
It runs the application process for 2024 admission for the Master’s Degree.
It writes the Sucupira Report for Quadriennal Evaluation by CAPES, 2021. Active from September 2020 and May 2021.
It runs the application process for 2022 admission for the Ph.D. program.
It ran the application process for 2022 admission for the Master’s Degree.