Millena de Souza Farias, Ph.D. candidate at PPGHIS, begins her pre-doctoral fellowship at the prestigious Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, from October 2021 to February 2022.
What’s new
Book signing: “Depois da Queda: a cultura norte-americana na obra de Henry James”
Next Thursday, September 23, a virtual book signing for “Depois da Queda: a cultura norte-americana na obra de Henry James”, by Dr. Luiza Larangeira da SIlva Mello. The event will take place via Google Meet, with the presence of Dr. Henrique Estrada Rodrigues (PUC-Rio). See below the PDF file with the link.
Link: September 23rd, 7:00 pm
ICAS BOOK PRIZE 2021 – Specialist Publication Accolade
The book A arte romanesca do ator: Constantin Stanislavski na cultura do romance, by Prof. Henrique Guimarães got a Specialist Publication Accolate at the ICAS BOOK PRIZE 202.
They jury members wrote
“This is a robust, careful and innovative book. Certainly one of the best written texts submitted to the ICAS-Sephis prize in 2021. The publication is a contribution to the history of theater and art in general. In order to advance in what he calls a cultural history of theatrical practices, Henrique Gusmão revisits the work of the Russian director Constantin Stanilavski, resuming his contributions to a movement to redefine the work of this actor and the kind of theater he represents, as the son of the modern novel in early 20th century. In addition to the field of theater, Gusmão’s erudition allows him to explore the influence of literature in the emergence of new, less conventional relations between the text and the scene. Although the field of studies on Asia in Anglophone, Germanophilic or Francophone contexts does not always include studies on Russia, the committee considered the unique quality of this work and its relevance to the field in Portuguese and Spanish.”
Check at
CFP: Dossier “Which Brazil?” at TOPOI
Topoi.Revista de História invites authors to submit articles to its new dossier, “Which Brazil? Debating projects for nationhood in the context of Brazil’s independence, edited by Isabel Lustosa (CHAM/FCSH-Univesidade Nova de Lisboa) and Kirsten Schultz (Seton Hall University).”
Submitted articles may be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Completed articles should be submitted between November 1, 2021 and February 2, 2022. The dossier will be published in volume 23, issue 31, between September and December 2022. Topoi. Revista de História is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ),
Submissions should be made via ScholarOne, checking the box specifying the Dossiê: Independência
Articles must be original and have between 40,000 and 60,000 characters, including notes and references. Submissions should follow Topoi journal guidelines on citation and submission formats: Please direct any questions to:, or
Sincerely Editorial Board Luiza Larangeira da Silva Mello | Silvia Correia Marieta de Moraes Ferreira | José Augusto Pádua Hanna Sonkajarvi | João Ohara Henrique Buarque de Gusmão | Paulo Fontes Vinícius Liebel
Art in Theses: New Research
Celebrate the 20th anniversary of the “Antigo Regime nos Tropicos”.
The event will be broadcasted live at the Canal Antigo Regime nos Trópicos (YouTube).
Lise Sedrez is a future RCC Landhaus Fellow
Prof. Lise Sedrez is a RCC Landhaus Fellow 2022 and will stay at the Herrmannsdorfer Landwerkstätten between July and September 2022.
Her project, “Cities Under Water: A Comparative Environmental History of Floods in Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires”, was selected for this highly competitive fellowship
Furutre RCC Landhaus Fellows are listed here.
Testimony of the Limit-Event
Prof. Pedro Caldas (UNIRIO)
Friday, August 6, 2021, at 1:40 pm.
Mediator: Prof. Sílvia Correia (IH/PPGHIS – UFRJ)
Registration at closes on August 5th, 2021.
An activity promoted by the Teaching Modern History Workshop and MEMO LAB, “To teach intimate histories of war” (coordinated by Silvia Correia).
Readings of the contemporary: literature and criticism in Brazil and Argentina
The event, organized by Prof. Felipe Chrbel, among others, will be broadcasted between 18 and 20 August.
Registration link:âneo
Black Encyclopaedia
Watch the news (Jornal Nacional, Rede Globo) about the exhibit and the book Enciclopedia Negra. Dr. Flavio Gomes is one of the authors.
Michel Gherman at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Our alumnus Michel Gherman (Ph.D. 2014, postdoc 2019) is a Research Fellow at Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.